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Cape Cod Calendar
Our Picks of the Week
Head over and check out The Graduate at the Cape Playhouse before it closes on July 23. Tickets range from $29.95 to $69.95. And if you're a Footloose fan, be sure to book your tickets for the musical which opens on July 25. Tickets start at $39.95 to $79.25. To purchase tickets or see a complete listing of shows, visit their website www.capeplayhouse.com
For some edgy theater, always great fun, hop in your car and motor up to Wellfleet, home of the Wellfleet Harbor Actor's Theater, known as WHAT. Boeing, Boeing and An Ideal Husband are playing on the Julie Harris Stage and with tickets at just $29.00, you simply shouldn't pass up a chance to see such great productions.
For a complete schedule of events, visit their websitewww.what.org
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